What is DON ?

DON is the membership point within the DOSI ecosystem given based on the activities and contributions of Citizens. Currently, DON can be used for Citizen Level Up, Adventure, and the DOSI Challenge.

1. How to earn DON?

There are 3 main ways to earn DON.

  1. Attendance Check: You can earn DON through the Attendance check. The amount varies based on the number and level of Citizens you possess, and you can participate once a day.

  2. Collection Mission: Acquire DON through Collection mission. Check the conditions of various missions, collect the required Citizens and Friends, and earn additional DON upon Attendance check. If you're curious about the ongoing collection missions, click #here for more details.

  3. Item Purchase: DON can also be obtained through item purchases. Additional rewards are possible when purchasing digital items through store purchases (B2C) using various payment methods. Additionally, if you engage in user-to-user trade (C2C transactions) through the Marketplace, DON rewards are provided based on the purchase amount.

2. Where can I use DON?

DON can be used at the followings:

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